Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass Page 23
a The Liddells had a cat named Dinah.
b Screen that prevents ashes from spilling out of a fireplace.
c Where is my cat? (French).
d Private political meeting among party members.
e Small building that resembles a greenhouse.
f Alice Liddell's birthday was the fourth of March.
g A kind of molasses.
h Mythical creature with an eagle's head and wings and a lion's body; also spelled "griffin."
i A common fish, often served in England with the tail tucked into the mouth.
j Exactly one week from Wednesday.
k Reference to the head of Queen Victoria, whose portrait appeared on postage stamps.
l Dessert made with sugar, raisins, and boiled wheat.
m A bandage.
n Spinning top with numerals printed on its numerous flat surfaces.
o Feathering is a manner of rowing in which the oar is kept horizontal on the return stroke.
p Travel bag that, when opened, reveals two equal compartments.
q Smelling salts.
r Sugarloaf hats, which were cone-shaped, were common in the sixteenth century.
s A hair dressing.
t Small branches covered with bird lime; used to trap birds.
u Carriages with two wheels, common around the turn of century; frequently
hired out.
v Located in Wales.
w Curlers.
x Fail to acknowledge someone's greeting.